It’s National Recovery Month

Yesterday I co-facilitated my first substance use disorder process group at my new internship and it was eye opening. There are so many emotions that can be associated with these types of groups and the impact from social stigma that can often live in the background doesn’t help. As expected, I learned a lot from this first session. By the grace of God, I have never suffered from a substance use disorder. And despite that, I still had a main takeaway that I had never considered:

“It’s not just about not using, it’s about living a better life.”

We are taught that addiction is a choice and that could not be further from the truth. The action of using is a choice, but no one chooses to (figuratively and in too many cases literally) lose their life to addiction. Instead, we should understand that people are whole human beings with whole lives and whole experiences that lead them down a multitude of paths and for some, that path includes addiction. Addiction to substances, sex, alcohol, food, social media, the list goes on and on.

It’s easy to think “Ugh, if she just got her shit together and stopped binge eating then she’d be happy” or “If they just stopped using they’d be in a better place” without taking into consideration why people choose these outlets in the first place.

Taking away the drug, the food, the drink without addressing the cause is pointless and doesn’t focus on the more important issue: one’s quality of life. Society doesn’t teach us to consider that.

I started my studies as a grad student thinking that the main problem for those struggling with addiction was their drug of choice I now know that their substance misuse is an extension, a symptom if you may, of the main problem.

To anyone in any type of recovery, I hope you know that yes, it’s a marathon you’re running. And over time it will get easier, but today, tonight, tomorrow, please find those bite sized moments of joy that keep you going in the now. The chance at a better life is yours to be had.

What Do Eating Disorders Look Like For BIPOC?

What do you think of when you hear the words anorexic, bulimic or eating disorder?

I’m gonna guess you think of a white, thin, frail, girl or woman in a hospital bed or treatment center who looks like skin and bones.

And though that is the case for plenty of women who suffer from eating disorders, it’s not the only way an eating disorder can look.

An eating disorder can look like a Black person who eats all of their food despite the fact that they are full. It can look like a Latinx person in pain from a stomach that is so full they can’t breathe but because they were taught that it’s rude to not finish your plate, they continue to stuff themself, and it can also look like an ethnic person who is isolates themselves and only cooks food when others aren’t around to store in their room.

For Black, Indigenous, People of Color, to have an eating disorder is to be shamed, to not be taken seriously and/or to be told that they’re just acting out. But what happens when the “acting out” turns deadly. What happens when the “shame” pushes someone to the point of no return and their quality of life is forever damaged? What happens when doctors who refuse to take them serious end up having to pronounce them dead due to health conditions caused by their eating disorder?

Binge eating disorder is a type of eating disorder that runs rampant in communities of color. It can look many different ways and includes the ignoring of ones fullness cues. No, it doesn’t have to be extreme to be considered disordered eating; yes, it has everything to do with mindset though…and then some.

Disordered eating and eating disorders almost always present with other types of mental challenges (ie: depression, anxiety, substance use, etc.). And if this sounds familiar to you or like something you are dealing with right now, know that you’re not alone in how you feel. Also know that this isn’t the end of your story if you don’t want it to be.

And that you don’t have to feel like this forever. Therapy, treatment centers and other resources are out there for your utilization. Please protect yourself always and in all ways.

Here are some resources you can use to find assistance and help, should you need it:
National Eating Disorder Assocation Website (NEDA)
NEDA Online Chat
NEDA Support Hotline 1-800-931-2237 (can also text!)

Are You Making These Fitness Mistakes?

There is so much advice online about what to do and what not to do in the gym.

Sure you can listen to all of it, but then you might become overwhelmed, anxious and end up not taking any action at all.

I like to keep things as simple (and short) as possible. Because I’m definitely one of those people who is easily overwhelmed when presented with too many options.

  1. Mistake #1: Not varying up your days
    Remember that every day does not have to be a go hard, sweat your curls out, balls to the wall kind of workout. Your body needs variation in order to not only see progress but to remain consistent. If you’re trying to reach your fitness goals with as little setbacks as possible, balance your intensities and watch your body thrive. It’s about quality not quantity ladies!

  2. Mistake #2: Skipping out on carbs post workout
    Believe it or not, you need carbs post-workout too, not just protein (oh, you didn’t know you needed them before your workout?). Not to get too sciency on you but carbs are full of glycogen which the body looks to for energy before it goes looking around in the muscle you’ve built. If you don’t get carbs in post workout, your body will “eat” your muscle, thus delaying the gains you’re working so hard for. Yes, protein also helps to repair and build, but unlike carbs, protein isn’t meant to be stored in the body the way carbs are for energy. So again, if you don’t get a good serving of carbs in post workout, don’t be mad when your muscles are put up on the chopping block.
  3. Mistake #3: Not stretching before and after your workouts
    There are 2 types of stretching you should be doing both pre and post workout. Not stretching is equivalent to a ticking bomb. Eventually it’ll explode and for us, it can mean pulling a muscle or tendon, spraining a joint or in extreme cases tearing something (I know you’ve heard of the horrors of ACL and MCL tears). Even if its just for 60 seconds, protect prepare your body for the workout by warming up. Click here for the types of warm-ups you can do before and after your workout.

Yes, there are way more tips that can be given to ensure you’re making the best of your workout time. But to try and cover them all in one post would be unforgivable.

However, if you do have more questions, please drop them in the comments and I’ll be sure to answer.

Don’t forget to say hi on social media (@ShateraShatera) and I’ll talk to you on the next one!

This year I’m falling in love with my body because I’ve never loved her before…

This year I’m falling in love with my body because tbh, I’ve never really loved her.

Sure I’ve always respected my body.⁠ I’ve never intentionally harmed myself or allowed anyone else to. Hell, I’ve gotten into full-blown arguments in defense of my body. ⁠

But respect and love are two different things that can co-exist and unfortunately, when it comes to this body, my body, the two never have.⁠

Yes, I’ve been in fitness since I was 14 years old, yes I’ve gained muscle and loved the way I looked but also secretly hated other parts, yes I currently teach other women to love their bodies.⁠

But I’d be a hypocrite if I said I’ve always loved mine.⁠

I can remember being as young as 9 years old when I first started picking my body apart. Comparing it to others and trying to sweat it into something others would find more appealing. And it’s sad but it’s the truth.⁠

Everything I’ve done for my body up until a few months ago has been not fully out of love for what she is and does for me, but out of what I wish she looked like, what I wish she could do and what I wish other people could see about her on the outside. ⁠

So I guess, in a sense, I haven’t fully respected my body.⁠

But not anymore. ⁠

This isn’t a resolution or a goal, this is a choice and from this moment on I’m choosing to LOVE her too. And that’s hard because there are things about her that I’ve been taught not to love. ⁠

Unlearning is hard. ⁠

But when it comes to me, it’s worth it. Because baby I’m ALWAYS about me.⁠

How have your feelings about your body changed through the years? Let me know in the comments!⁠

What I Wish People Knew About Being A Fitness Professional

In my 6 years of being a certified fitness coach, I have run into a plethora of different situations where people thought one thing or acted off of an assumption regarding my profession.

I once had a brand new client tell me that the only reason they couldn’t lift the weight I was giving them was because “my people naturally have it built in us to endure pain”. Needless to say, that was our first and last session.

I’ve also had people tell me that because I’m a fitness professional, my eating habits, discipline, and consistency in the gym must be perfect.

Here are some things I struggle with as a fitness coach:
• Ignoring my hunger cues and overeating
• Inconsistency in the gym
• Body dysmorphia
• Discipline towards reaching my health & wellness goals

Believe it or not, fitness professionals struggle with a lot of the same issues people outside of our industry struggle with. The only difference is we know different methods to overcome those obstacles. It doesn’t mean we always practice them.

Working in the fitness industry has its ups and downs and when you are working with a fitness professional, know that some of us are actually using our time with you to inspire us to keep going.

More often than not, my clients are the fire beneath my butt when I’m considering slacking on a goal.

Things happen in our lives that derail our plans, demotivate, throw us off and/or trigger us too and it takes a lot of work to keep going.

It’s not easy and sometimes it’s not fun, but like we always tell you, it’s always worth it!


The pandemic taught us a lot about ourselves, others, and our country (for those of us who live in the U.S., whew!).

We learned that we could overcome, how we could better take care of ourselves, that work/life balance is possible, how much we love our families and that obtaining our health and wellness goals can be done no matter what.

One of the questions I got the most was “what equipment should I buy now that the gyms are closed?”. It’s still a question people have as even though gyms are back open, not everyone feels safe enough or even wants to return to one.

So, should you be one of those people, here are 3 at home workout tools I think everyone should have.

Medicine Ball

Medicine balls can be used in a lot of different ways ranging from strength to sports specific moves. They are also less intimidating and can be used to incorporate fun moves with both solo and partner workouts.


Easily the most common fitness tool you’ll find and the sizes start as small as 1lb and, from what I’ve seen, can go as high as 110lbs. They are great for strength training and can be used for 99% of all exercise moves.


Bands are not only versatile but work your muscles with different resistances. This can be great for anyone building their strength, recovering from an injury or on a low intensity or rest day where you don’t want to do too much but still want to get a nice pump session in.

If nothing else, your own bodyweight will work fine. You’d be surprised how great of a workout you can get in with just your body so don’t underestimate it!

What workout tools are you using at home?

Let me know in the comments!

Ways To Stay Consistent In Your Health & Fitness Goals

Consistency is probably the one most important parts of reaching whatever goals you set for yourself.

When it comes to fitness, consistency is four fold.

You gotta be consistently moving, consistently eating for your goals, consistently resting and recovering and consistently giving yourself grace because there’s only but so much that we can control.

This can be overwhelming because a lot of times we think we have to master all of these at once! And that’s where the decline comes in…

It’s November and I wanted to help you start your month off with some tips to help you get and/or stay consistent.

  1. Choose One Thing To Master This Month
    I know it’s hard but trust me, just one. This will help you to avoid feeling overwhelmed and eventually quitting and really give yourself the chance you need to get it! Maybe it’s getting something green in with every meal, finishing at least one cup of water every day, walking around the neighborhood 2x/wk or just sitting and being still for 1 min every day. Choose one thing and leave the rest alone. Believe me, those other goals aren’t going anywhere and will be there waiting for you to master them as soon as you’ve mastered this first one.
  2. Only Commit Time That Works For You
    I like to set a timer when I get to the gym and once that timer goes off, I leave. It doesn’t matter if I’m not done my set or if I haven’t done everything I wrote down to complete, I met the time that I set for myself so I met my commitment. For you it may be doing 4 sets of something and then being done. And if you don’t have time, can you compromise somewhere? Maybe half of your lunch break you move and the other half you eat. Or you use your lunch break as a workout time and eat when you get back to your desk. Compromise is key when you don’t have much time on your hands.
  3. Choose 2-3 Days Minimum
    What are your easiest days? The days where you have a little more wiggle room are gonna be the days you want to prioritize for movement. Remember, out of 7 days, your body only needs 2 or 3 of them; and not even the whole day. Fifteen minutes, 2 or 3 times, and then whatever else you want to do for the rest of those hours and minutes. You’ll feel so much better after you finish and let’s be honest, when have you ever regretted a workout?
  4. Add It To Something You Already Do
    Saying “just do it” is easier said than done and in my experience, isn’t something you can rely on long term. I’m not big on taking things away when trying to change or develop habits. It’s easier to just add something in to what you’re already doing that way you don’t restrict yourself too much. You can progressively ween yourself off of other things that you may no longer want to indulge in while allowing this new thing to take more time and precedence. For example: you want to start working out but find it hard to move yourself from the tv. On commercial breaks, stretch OR if you’re watching a movie, every 15-20 mins, pause it and (if you can’t) get up and do 20 squats while watching. 

  5. Keep Going (ESPECIALLY When You “Mess Up”)
    So you set a goal to eat something green with every meal but you forgot to do it for lunch….so what! There’s still dinner so decide now what green veggie you’re gonna have and have it. There’s no point in dwelling over a misstep you may have made (I know, easier said than done but it’s true). Take it for what it is and keep it moving. You don’t stop interviewing for your dream job just because the first place said no do you? You say yes to the next interview that comes your way and keep trying until you get it!

Of course there are plenty more ways to help you stay consistent but these are my top 5 and the ones I’ve used for years.

Which tip will you try this month?

Let me know in the comments!

If You’re Not Stretching Regularly You’re Prepping For Injury

I know, stretching is boring and we’re young and don’t have to worry about creaky bones and joints until yeeaarrss from now. Wrong. I was 26 when I injured my back. It was a mixture of incorrect lifting and not stretching before I started but I’m sure had I stretched prior to, I wouldn’t have suffered as badly.

Regardless, stretching before your workout will save you from injury which can then put you out of the gym for days, weeks and in my case, months!

I know it’s not fun and doesn’t get your adrenaline going but your body and your future self WILL thank you.

There are plenty of ways to stretch but the many ways can be a bit overwhelming so I’d like to leave you with 3 to choose from.

    These rollers come in different intensities and are an amazing way to release tight muscle tissue that can restrict movement and cause discomfort in and around your joints. Think of it as giving yourself a massage.

These are the type of stretches that mimic the moves you will be doing in your workout. Often known as sports specific stretches, these stretches are active and help your muscles go through their full range of motion before you really get to work.

What most people think of when they think of stretching. These are the stretches where you hold a specific move for a specific amount of time (30-60 seconds). They are best done AFTER your workout to help stretch your body out to relieve any tightness from the pressure it was just under during your workout.

At the end of the day, stretching is important and should be incorporated into your workout routine. AT THE LEAST, you should be stretching before you start a workout and for 2-5 minutes.

I won’t lie, injury can be a great teacher, but who wants to learn from something that can easily be avoided?

You got this!

Homemade chipotle bowl

I love chipotle! I love the experience, I love the bowls and I love their cilantro lime rice.

But I don’t like paying an arm and a leg for guacamole, a little extra chicken or sofritas.

I found myself in a place last week where I didn’t want to leave the house and spend unneccessary money but I also really wanted a burrito bowl.

So I went to the grocery store, picked up some familiar ingredients and got to work creating my own version of the burrito bowl.

Ground turkey, pico de gallo, corn, black beans, cilantro rice and guacamole

Prep time? 20 mins. All I had to do was cook the ground turkey and rice.

Once they were done, I decorated my little bowl as I saw fit and proceeded to indulge.

For this recipe, all you’ll need is:

Cilantro rice (or any rice you prefer)
Ground turkey
Black Beans
Pico de gallo
Cheese (optional)
Sriracha (optional)

Season the ground turkey to your liking. Cook the rice on boil for 5-6 mins before taking off the burner and covering with a top for 10 mins. Layer the ground turkey on top of the rice and top with pico de gallo, gallo, black beans and other sides.

Depending on your nutrition goals and taste needs, feel free to add different things to your bowl like the examples below:

Burrito bowl with shredded cheese
Burrito bowl with shredded cheese and sriracha sauce

Try this recipe out and let me know if you like it!!

Why Is core strength important?

Because if you can’t hold yourself up then you’re gonna have to rely on something or someone else to do it for you!

I can’t stress enough how important core strength is. It acts as a stabilizer for our body, helps maintain proper posture as we age and reduces our risk for back injuries.

Oh yea, and they look amazing when they’re chiseled and glistening in the sun. But that, my friends, is the icing on the cake.

The cake itself should be the actual foundation of strength you’ve built.

To do this, you have to focus on functional strength training movements like woodchops, palloff press, deadbugs and planks to name a few.

Planks, one of the more popular core exercises, done on a stability ball.

Exercises that support your everyday activities and moves.

Because after all, what’s the point of having a 6 pack to show off on the gram if you can’t hold yourself upright long enough to take the pic?

My favorite core exercises right now are plank rocks, deadbugs and stirpots.

What are yours?

Let me know in the comments below!

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